The Restaurants Association Of Ireland Calls For More Taxis At Night

By Robert McHugh
The Restaurants Association Of Ireland Calls For More Taxis At Night

The Restaurants Association of Ireland has called for more taxis in Ireland at night and improvements in the provision of Irish public transport.

To highlight this issue, the association commissioned RED C research to investigate behaviours and attitudes towards public transport in Ireland.

The research shows there is a notable gap in perceptions of public transport availability during the day and during off-peak periods.

Availability of taxis

While over half say availability is good during the day, nearly six in ten say it is poor after restaurants/pubs have closed.

Availability of taxis has a similar issue, with very poor perceived availability during off-peak periods. Even so, under two in five think availability of taxis during the day is good.


Ride-Sharing Apps

Perceived availability of both public transport and taxis was slightly more positive among monthly visitors of Dublin city centre, as well as those aged over 65.

While seven in ten of all adults in Ireland say finding transport home from restaurants/bars is difficult in their area, around half say they would support legislation for ride-sharing apps.

Rural Locations

The Restauarants Association of Ireland claims there appears to be an opportunity to increase this support.

The association said those in rural locations and living in Connacht/Ulster feel more impacted by lack of transport than most, therefore also being more likely to support the legislation of ride-sharing apps

Nighttime Economy

“The research shows there is now clear demand from the public to improve our provision of availability of public transport and increase the number of taxis in Ireland at night," said Adrian Cummins CEO, Restaurants Association of Ireland.

"There is also a demand for new legislation for ride sharing apps like Uber and Lyft which will help restaurants, pubs and the nighttime economy.”