Tinder-for-Recruiters' App Gets $10 Million to Expand in Europe

By Publications Checkout
Tinder-for-Recruiters' App Gets $10 Million to Expand in Europe

It was only a matter of time before the left-swipe-for-no, right-swipe-for-yes approach to screening personal profiles left the confines of dating apps and entered the corporate world.

Enter Job Today - an app already successful in Spain - which connects small employers, especially in the hospitality and retail sectors, with potential hires over a mobile platform.

Since the service rolled in April 2015, Job Today has signed up more than 20,000 businesses and processed more than two million job applications in Barcelona, Madrid, London and Paris. The Luxembourg-based startup will announce Thursday that it has secured $10 million in venture capital to fuel its continued expansion throughout Europe.

The app uses a location-based search to help employers filter through the personal profiles created by potential candidates and a Tinder-like swipe left-or-right system for them to create a short-list of applicants. The app also provides a messaging system for employers to contact short-listed candidates - something that Job Today forces recruiters to do within 24 hours after highlighting a strong contender.

The $10 million Series A fund round announced Thursday is being led by Accel Partners, with Felix Capital and Luxembourg- based Mangrove Capital Partners, which provided seed money to Job Today, also participating.


The company will use the the money from its funding round to grow its service in London and Paris, where it recently debuted, as well as to expand to other cities in Europe and beyond.

News by Bloomberg, edited by Hospitality Ireland