Some 21% Of Irish People Are Avoiding The Office To Save Money On Food And Drink

By Robert McHugh
Some 21% Of Irish People Are Avoiding The Office To Save Money On Food And Drink

New research from Too Good To Go reveals that nearly one in five (17%) workers in Ireland is spending more on food and drink at work than s/he did a year ago, and over a fifth (21%) are avoiding the office to save money on food and drink.

Time Poor

For those in the office, one in ten (9%) admits to buying lunch every single day, and a quarter (26%) note that they are too time poor to make lunch at home.

Too Good To Go believes that this could be significantly increasing their monthly expenditures.

Food Waste

Three in ten (29%) employees take their lunch into the office daily.

Only a third (32%) take in leftovers, with just over a third (35%) admitting that they take in lunch to reduce food waste at home.


Financial Reasons

The research shows that workers in Ireland are more likely to bring in lunch due to financial reasons, with 61% admitting that they take in lunch to reduce the amount of money that they spend.

A quarter of Irish people (24%) believe that the food they cook is better than what they can buy elsewhere, and 17% have a partner or spouse who makes lunch for them to take into the office.

One in seven Irish people (12%) is self-conscious about bringing in leftovers, and so avoids doing so.

‘Busy Schedules’

For some, buying lunch at work can be seen as self-care, as over half (52%) of workers in Ireland see it as a treat, and others (14%) get bored of eating their leftovers, and so tend to buy lunch out.

“With busy schedules and limited time to take for ourselves, lunch should never feel like a chore,” said Jamie Crummie, co-founder of Too Good To Go.