Dublin Port To Undergo €230 Million Uprgrade

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Dublin Port To Undergo €230 Million Uprgrade

Dublin Port has been given the green light for a historical redevelopment which will cost an estimated €230 million.

The Alexandra Basin Redevelopment project will see part of the North Wall demolished as well as a piling and dredging of the Liffey. The entrance channel will be deepened by at least 10 metres to accommodate larger vessels.

An Bord Pleanala approved the plans for the biggest upgrade in the port's history. The construction phase of the project should begin within months and is part of a five-year redesign of the port.

The approval comes as Dublin Port is enjoying one of its busiest years to date. At its currently capacity, the types of vessels that can dock there are restricted and some are forced to back out due to a lack of room to turn, as was the case for the MSC Splendida cruise ship which docked in May.

Eamonn O’Reilly, Chief Executive of Dublin Port Company said: “I am delighted that An Bord Pleanála has granted Dublin Port planning permission for the ABR Project and to say that we can finance the project immediately.”