New Chair Appointed To Fáilte Ireland

By Robert McHugh
New Chair Appointed To Fáilte Ireland

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, has announced the appointment of Ruth Andrews as the new chairperson of the National Tourism Development Authority (Fáilte Ireland).

The appointment, for a term of five years, follows a public call for applications on the state board’s website and an assessment process managed by the Public Appointments Service.

New National Tourism Policy

“Ruth has an in-depth knowledge of the challenges that face this most important of sectors,” said Minister Martin.

“I look forward to working with Ruth and Fáilte Ireland as I lead out on the finalisation and implementation of a new national tourism policy, which will be focused on the sustainable environmental, economic and societal development of Irish tourism.”


Andrews started her career in tourism in the mid-eighties, working as a marketing/sales professional in some of Ireland’s then-largest hotel chains, including Doyle Hotels and Great Southern Hotels.


Andrews established her own marketing/sales consultancy service in the late nineties, providing marketing communications, coaching and mentoring, and business development expertise to a wide range of Irish tourism industry businesses in a variety of sectors.

Irish Tourism Industry Confederation

As chief executive for the ITOA (the Incoming Tour Operators’ Association – Ireland) – a position that Andrews has held since 2006 – she also works with AVEA, the Association of Visitor Experiences and Attractions, as a special advisor to the board.

In 2019, Andrews accepted the two-year term as chairperson of the ITIC, the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation, which was extended by a year to assist the industry through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tourism Recovery Taskforce

Andrews played a strong part in guiding the industry during this difficult time, as chair of the Tourism Recovery Taskforce.

She has served on many industry and advisory boards.


‘Renowned Track Record’

“Ruth has a renowned track record of strong leadership and expertise in the tourism industry, spanning over 35 years,” said Paul Kelly, CEO of Fáilte Ireland.

“Her vast sectoral experience will be of immense value to the authority and the Fáilte Ireland executive team.”