November Passenger Numbers Decrease 1% At Dublin Airport

By Dave Simpson
November Passenger Numbers Decrease 1% At Dublin Airport

More than 2.2 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport in November of this year, which was a 1% decrease on the figure for the same month last year.

This is the first time that the airport has recorded a monthly drop in passenger numbers since March of 2014.

The airport attributes the decline in passenger numbers to airlines withdrawing services or reducing capacity on their existing route network to and from Dublin for the winter.

European Traffic

Passenger numbers declined on all of Dublin Airport's route sectors in November except Europe. Almost 1.1 million passengers travelled to and from European destinations during the month, which was a 2% increase on the figure for the same month last year.

UK, Transatlantic And Other International Traffic

Meanwhile, almost 833,000 passengers travelled to and from UK destinations in November, which was a 2% decrease on the figure for November of last year; transatlantic traffic to and from North America declined by 4%, with almost 263,000 passengers travelling on this route sector last month; and traffic to and from other international destinations, which includes flights to the Middle East and Africa, decreased by 11% as almost 65,000 passengers travelled on these routes in November.


Domestic Traffic

Additionally, passenger numbers on domestic routes declined by 25%, with almost 7,300 travelling on domestic flights last month.

Year To Date

So far this year, more than 30.6 million passengers have travelled through Dublin Airport, which is a 5% increase on the same period last year.

© 2019 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.