Ryanair Records H1 Loss

By Dave Simpson
Ryanair Records H1 Loss

Ryanair has recorded a H1 loss.


In a statement published on corporate.ryanair.com, Ryanair said, "Ryanair Holdings today (1 Nov.) reported a H1 loss of €48m, compared to a PY H1 loss of €411m. Highlights of this 6-month period include:

  • "H1 traffic rebounded by 128% from 17.1m to 39.1m.
  • "1st B737-8200 'Gamechanger' delivered in June (65+ for peak S.22).
  • "Customer Advisory Panel 1st met in Sept.
  • "€1.2bn 5-year unsecured bond issued in May at record low 0.875% coupon.
  • "Strong Sept. cash balance of €4.24bn (up from €3.15bn at 31 Mar.).
  • "Net debt fell from €2.28bn at 31 Mar. to €1.50bn at 30 Sept. (CCFF £600m loan repaid in Oct).
  • "560 new routes & 14 new bases announced for W.21/S.22.
  • "5-year growth accelerates to 225m p.a. by FY26 (prev. 200m p.a.).
H1 – Group 30 Sept. 2020 30 Sept. 2021 Change
Customers 17.1m 39.1m +128%
Load Factor 72% 79% +7pts
Revenue €1.18bn €2.15bn +83%
Op. Costs €1.35bn €2.20bn +63%
Net Loss (€411m) (€48m) n/m

"Ryanair's Michael O'Leary, said:


"Ryanair has shown we can grow traffic while reducing our impact on the environment.  Every passenger that switches to Ryanair from legacy airlines reduces their CO₂ emissions by up to 50% per flight.  Over the next 5-years our traffic will grow by 50% to 225m p.a.  This will be achieved on a fleet of new B737 “Gamechanger” aircraft, which offer 4% more seats, but consume 16% less fuel and cuts noise emissions by 40%, which helps to lower each passenger’s CO₂ and noise footprint over the next decade.


"We continue to work with the EU, our fuel suppliers and aircraft manufacturers to incentivise sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) use.  We are working with A4E and the EU Commission to accelerate reform of the Single European Sky, to minimise ATC delays which will lower fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions.  Last year Ryanair received an industry leading “B-” climate protection rating from CDP[1], and we are committed to improving this to an “A” rating over the next 2 years.  In April, we established a Sustainable Aviation Research Centre partnership with Trinity College Dublin to accelerate the development of SAFs.  Ryanair’s goal is to power 12.5% of our flights with SAF by 2030.  These initiatives will help Ryanair achieve our target of cutting CO₂ per passenger/km by 10% to just 60 grams by 2030.

"Our growth plans over the next 5 years will create 5,000 new jobs for pilots, cabin crew and engineers.  Ryanair recently invested €50m in an Aviation Skills Training Centre in Dublin and we plan to invest over €100m in 2 more, high skills, training centres in possibly Spain and Poland during this period.

"In Sept. our Customer Advisory Panel met for the first time in Dublin. This Panel will meet again in the spring and their advice and input will shape Ryanair’s customer improvements for 2022, reinforcing our commitment to delivering the lowest fares, the most on-time flights and a great customer service as the Group stimulates very strong post Covid-19 growth. We have already implemented a number of their suggestions, including a Day of Travel feature in the Ryanair App to assist customers through every step of their Ryanair journey.


"Following a very badly disrupted Q1, which saw most Easter flights cancelled and a slower than expected easing of EU Govt. travel restrictions in May and June, traffic rebounded in Q2 with the successful rollout of the EU Digital Covid Certificates (“DCC”) in July.  H1 bookings were mostly “close-in” and required price stimulation, particularly to/from the UK where consumer confidence was undermined (until early Oct.), by the UK Govt.’s confusing and inconsistent traffic light system.  In recent weeks, we have seen a surge in bookings for the Oct. mid-term and Christmas breaks and we expect this peak buoyancy to continue into Easter and S.22.  We will continue our load active/yield passive recovery strategy as we rebuild load factors (consistently above 80% in Q2) and, in time, yields over the second half of FY22.


"The Covid-19 crisis accelerated the collapse of many European airlines including Flybe, Norwegian, Germanwings, Level, Stobart and led to substantial capacity cuts at many others including Alitalia, TAP, LOT, SAS, etc.  The tsunami of State Aid from EU Govts. to their insolvent flag carriers (Alitalia, Air France/KLM, Iberia, LOT, Lufthansa, SAS, TAP and others) will distort EU competition and prop up high cost, inefficient, flag carriers for many years.  Ryanair was one of the very few airlines to use the Covid crisis to place significant aircraft orders, to expand our airport partnerships and to secure lower operating costs so that we can pass on even lower fares, post Covid, to our customers.  Together with our airport partners, we are leading Europe’s traffic recovery and we plan to deliver accelerated growth in both traffic and jobs over the next 5 years.

"During H1 our Route Development team continued their work with airport partners across Europe, and have negotiated lower airport costs, recovery incentives and the extension of many low-cost airport growth deals.  In addition to its new base deals (Agadir, Billund, Chania, Corfu, Rhodes, Riga, Stockholm, Venice Treviso, Turin, Zadar & Zagreb), over 560 new route announcements and long-term extensions of low-cost growth deals in Stansted (to 2028), Bergamo (to 2028), Manchester (to 2028), East Midlands (to 2028), Charleroi (to 2030), the Group has doubled its capacity in Rome (Fiumicino), Lisbon, Vienna and will launch new bases in Cork, Newcastle and Venice (Marco-Polo) for S.22.

"In June Ryanair took delivery of our first B737-8200 “Gamechanger” aircraft (from our 210 orderbook) and we expect to have over 65 in the Group fleet by S.22.  These Gamechangers will, we believe, further widen the cost gap between Ryanair and all other European airlines over the next decade.  While load factors have yet to recover to pre-Covid levels, the performance of the Gamechangers has exceeded our expectations this summer.  Operational reliability, fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions have, so far, exceeded guidelines with very positive passenger and crew feedback to these new, more fuel efficient, quieter aircraft.  Based on our 210 order book and available fleet capacity, we plan to accelerate our traffic growth to 225m p.a. by FY26.


"Revenue & Costs


"H1 scheduled revenues increased 61% to €1.27bn as traffic jumped 128% from 17.1m to 39.1m (at a 79% load factor). The Covid disruption of Easter traffic, the delayed relaxation of EU travel restrictions into May/June, and the uncertainty caused by the UK’s confusing traffic light system this summer and the close-in nature of bookings required price stimulation – resulting in average fares of just €33 (down 30% on H1 last year).  Ancillary revenue continued its strong performance, generating over €22.50 per passenger, as guests choose priority boarding and reserved seating.  Total revenue increased by over 80% to €2.15bn in H1.

"While sectors and traffic more than doubled, operating costs increased by just 63% to €2.20bn, driven primarily by lower variable costs such as aircraft, airport & handling, route charges and fuel.  Lower costs, coupled with rising load factors, led to a marked reduction in cost per passenger (ex-fuel) to €38.  We expect to see further improvements in costs as our new, lower cost, more fuel-efficient aircraft deliver and EU countries (such as Ireland, Spain & Italy) rollout Covid recovery incentive schemes.

"Our fuel requirements are 80% hedged for Q4 FY22 (50% jet swaps at $580, with the balance hedged with caps at $750 per met. tonne).  H1 FY23 is 80% hedged (60% jet swaps at $620 and 20% caps at $715) and H2 FY23 is 60% hedged at $625.  Carbon credits are fully hedged for FY22 and 70% hedged for FY23 at €24 and €40 per EUA respectively.

"Balance Sheet & Liquidity

"Ryanair's balance sheet is one of the strongest in the industry with a BBB credit rating (S&P and Fitch), €4.24bn cash and almost 90% of our B737 fleet unencumbered. In May Ryanair issued a €1.2bn 5-year, unsecured, bond at a record low coupon of just 0.875%.  In June the Group repaid its (2014) maturing €850m 1.875% bond and last week the Group repaid its UK CCFF £600m loan 5 months early.  Strong operating cashflows and supplier reimbursements, offset by capex, drove a €0.8bn reduction in net debt to €1.5bn at 30 Sept. (31 March: €2.3bn).  During Q2 the Group agreed to sell its 10 oldest B737NGs.  2 of these aircraft were delivered in Sept. and the remainder will exit the fleet before the financial year end.  The strength of Ryanair’s balance sheet ensures that the Group can capitalise rapidly on the many growth opportunities that exist in Europe in the post Covid-19 recovery.



"Trading on the London Stock Exchange (“LSE”) as a percentage of overall trading volume in Ryanair’s ordinary shares has reduced materially during 2021. The migration away from the LSE is consistent with a general trend for trading in shares of EU corporates post Brexit and is, potentially, more acute for Ryanair as a result of the long-standing prohibition on non-EU citizens purchasing Ryanair’s ordinary shares being extended to UK nationals following Brexit.  The Board of Ryanair is now considering the merits of retaining the Standard listing on the LSE. Ryanair has a primary listing on the regulated market of Euronext Dublin, which offers shareholders the highest standard of protection, including compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code, and its ADRs are listed on NASDAQ.


"The outlook for pricing and yields for the winter of FY22 will be challenging.  With the booking curve remaining very close-in, traffic recovery will require continuing price stimulation.  This, coupled with rising costs for the small unhedged balance of our fuel needs, means that visibility for the remainder of FY22 is very limited.  It is therefore difficult to provide meaningful FY22 guidance.  We believe that FY22 traffic has improved to just over 100m and (subject to winter fares) expect to record an FY22 loss of between €100m to €200m.  This outturn will be crucially dependent on the continued rollout of vaccines and no adverse Covid-19 developments.


"As noted above, subject to no adverse Covid developments, and high vaccination levels remaining across Europe, Ryanair will take delivery of 210 Gamechanger aircraft over the next 5 years which allows Ryanair uniquely to accelerate growth into the post Covid-19 recovery. These aircraft deliver industry lowest costs, lower emissions, and will enable Ryanair to exploit growth opportunities at primary and secondary airports all over Europe – particularly where legacy carriers have failed or cut back their fleet as a result of Covid-19 and State Aid.  As announced at our AGM in Sept., Ryanair Group now expect to deliver accelerated growth over the next 5 years, with the growth forecast raised from 33% to 50%.  As a result, Ryanair’s pre-Covid traffic of 149m is expected to grow to over 225m guests p.a. by March 2026 (previously targeted at 200m p.a.).”

"[1] CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent, non-profit, global environmental reporting organisation."

Ryanair Blocked From Operating Moroccan Routes

In other Ryanair news, the Portuguese Ministry of Infrastructure and ANAC have blocked Ryanair from opening three new routes to Morocco

In a separate statement published on corporate.ryanair.com, Ryanair said, "Ryanair, Europe's No. 1 airline, was today (29 Oct) unlawfully blocked by the Portuguese Ministry of Infrastructure and ANAC from opening three new routes to Morocco causing the totally unnecessary cancellation of flights for over 3,000 Portuguese passengers due to travel from Lisbon this Sunday Oct 31. This is a clear breach of the EU Open Skies Agreement in place with Morocco. Ryanair has operated between Portugal and Morocco for over three years and it is inexplicable why the Ministry of Infrastructure / ANAC have not issued standard flight authorisations to allow these flights to operate.

"Over 3,000 Portuguese passengers will now have their travel plans unnecessarily and unlawfully disrupted due to the cancellation of these flights from Sunday Oct 31. Ryanair repeatedly tried to secure these permissions over the past month, but the faceless bureaucrats from the Ministry of Infrastructure all departed for their holiday break on Friday evening, refusing to issue the routine permissions, demonstrating total indifference to the chaos they have caused to over 3,000 Portuguese passengers whose travel plans to Morocco on the busiest weekend of the year are now in tatters.

"Ryanair regrets the unnecessary cancellation of the following flights due to the unlawful actions of the Ministry of Infrastructure:

"Flights from Porto to Marrakech will operate as scheduled.

"Ryanair's Director of Commercial, Jason McGuinness, said, 'It is incredible that the Portuguese Department of Infrastructure would force the totally unnecessary cancellation of flights for over 3,000 Portuguese passengers from Sunday Oct 31st. Ryanair already has traffic rights to fly from Portugal to Morocco, successfully operating flights between Portugal and Morocco for over 3 years and there is no good reason for this unlawful action, which is a clear breach of EU law, on the operation of the EU Open Skies agreement.

"'It is simply outrageous that faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Infrastructure refused to remain at their offices on Friday to resolve this matter but instead departed for the holiday weekend while they wrecked the holiday plans for over 3,000 of their fellow citizens.

"'Ryanair regrets the unnecessary disruption caused to our passengers by this unlawful action of the Portuguese Department of Infrastructure and will deal with alternative travel arrangements and or refunds for passengers affected.'"

October Traffic Statistics

The above news follows news from earlier today (Wednesday November 3) that Ryanair has released its traffic statistics for September.

© 2021 Hospitality Ireland – your source for the latest industry news. Article by Dave Simpson. Click subscribe to sign up for the Hospitality Ireland print edition.