Profits Up at L'Ecrivain

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Profits Up at L'Ecrivain

Michelin-starred restaurant L'Ecrivain had a successful 2014 as profits for the Dublin restaurant were up to €84,000.

L'Ecrivain, owned by celebrity chef Derry Clarke and wife Sallyanne Clarke (pictured), reduced its accumulated losses by €85,000 to €647,000 in the 12 months to the end of August last, according to the Irish Examiner.

The accounts from the firm that operates the restaurant, Sudberry Trading Ltd. showed that staff, including the Clarkes, received aggregate pay of €692,308.

A statement from the Clarkes said that 2014 had been a good year for L'Ecrivain and restaurants in Dublin in general.

“We have seen continued growth in the business in 2015. We depend on a core staff , many of whom have worked with l’Ecrivain for a long time to ensure that our customers get the special experience we want them to have when they dine at l’Ecrivain,” they added.

The chef has spoken out against the Government proposal to introduce mandatory calorie information on restaurant menus, calling the measure "past ridiculous".