Plans For New 427-Room Hotel In Dublin 17 Rejected

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Plans For New 427-Room Hotel In Dublin 17 Rejected

Plans for a new 10-storey hotel in Clonshaugh in north Dublin close to Dublin Airport, which would encompass 317 bedrooms and 110 suites, have been rejected by An Bord Pleanála.

The news comes after a number of Clonshaugh residents appealed to An Bord Pleanála to halt the construction of what is proposed to be the fourth largest hotel in Ireland.

The hotel was scheduled to be constructed by Carra Shore Hotel in close proximity to the junction of the M50 and M1 on a site adjacent to the Carlton Hotel, just off of the Clonshaugh Road.

However, as reported by the Irish Independent, An Bord Pleanála has now upheld the appeals of the local residents and refused planning permission for the 427-room hotel, citing that residents had claimed to the board that the proposal would have a 'negative impact on existing residential amenities in the area and would result in a loss of privacy'.

The planning rejection is another blow for Dublin's current hotel room shortage. Last week, it was reported that developer Johnny Ronan has been granted an oral hearing with An Bord Pleanála over his appeal against Dublin City Council's rejection of plans to build 22-storey tower in Dublin city centre, which would include a 110-bedroom hotel.


Carra Shore told the appeals board that "there is a shortage of hotel rooms in Dublin and the proposed co-located hotel rooms would add a significant quantum", adding that the hotel would provide an appropriate and complementary land use within the High Technology zone and that the site is close to the airport.